Three Years Ago

Three years ago,

I thought myself in love.

It was so easy to believe,

Because I thought you were, too.

Three years later,

The hopes and dreams that you

Cultivated within me,

Were all dashed by your silence.

Three years later,

I’m still struggling with the pain of your cruelty,

Your silence in all these years,

Your disregard for my feelings,

The unfulfilled dreams you made me dream,

All painful reminders of you,

Three years ago.

We would have been celebrating our third anniversary.


You say I’m a coward

But I think myself brave

You don’t know how many times I’ve hurt

And continued to try

To try even when the signs are all over the wall

That my time is being wasted

That I’m not the person they’re for me. 

I choose to be the coward,

I deserve to lick my wounds in private

and get back when I feel ready

When the scab is a little harder

and the scars less visible.



I could tell you my travels

How I was 3 hours away from you

I wondered if you were still in Amsterdam 

Or maybe you had left?

These are details I’m no longer privy to

Yet seem so important for me 

I’ve entertained the idea of you visiting me

Or me visiting you

I’d have loved to see your face

Hear from you after so long.

Maybe just maybe 

Be in your embrace 

I miss you more than I thought 

I ever would.

10 PM

10 pm,
In the dead of the night.
I lay restless in my bed
Far away from my home
Waiting for your text
My mind aimlessly roaming
Over the possibility of you texting
While catching up on a series
To help me stay awake
10 pm,
In the dead of the night.
The crickets chirped their way into my thoughts
Forcing me to listen to their song
While telling you how my day went
The twitter conversation I held with strangers
Over a series I was missing
Far way from home.
10 pm,
In the dead of the night.
I grew anxious waiting for your text
One Friday night when I didn’t hear from you
The silence spanned three days
Then popped the message tone
It was a message from you
10 pm,
In the dead of the night.
As the silence drew itself out
I thought to ask after your whereabouts
But it wasn’t my place to do so
My curiosity pressed for answers
But I suppressed the inner war with my thoughts
10 pm,
In the dead of the night.
So much reminds me of those idyllic days
Makes me long for a word from you
Triggering feelings that should be at rest
After the passage of time
10 pm,
In the dead of the night.
I cannot watch certain TV stations
Without memories of you lurking
Series I long stopped following
For the thoughts that never seem to fade.
10 pm,
In the dead of the night.

Image credits: googledotcom

Could We?

Could we start over?

Learn each other a new?

Appreciate the quirks we missed about us?

Could we start over?

Let the love we held onto tightly unfurl?

Blossom into the splendour we denied ourselves?

Could we start over?

Heal the hurts between us and build new memories?

Nurture the love that can no longer be hidden?

Could we start over?

Our bodies are starting to betray us

In recognition of the attraction between us

Could we start over?

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